5 Reasons We Accept Conventional Wisdom

Conventional wisdom is a theory or belief generally accepted as fact. For example, just a few centuries ago, conventional wisdom stated that the earth was flat, which we now know is not true. On the other hand, conventional wisdom also tells us that saving money and making wise investments pays off big in the long run.

Why have people become so jaded about conventional wisdom? Isn’t it supposed to be a good thing? Isn't wisdom power? Thanks to science and technological advances, people are finally questioning conventional wisdom and asking more questions.

Here are five reasons why conventional wisdom is still widely accepted.

1. Conventional Wisdom is Safe: There is no risk in believing everything you see, hear, and read. 

Why drive yourself to an early grave doing something new or unimaginable? It is much better to do what you are told and stay safe. Conventional wisdom puts you in a safe zone—a comfortable place where you don’t have to think too deep or know much about anything. No stress. You only have to accept everything at face value and believe all that is generally considered acceptable and reasonable.


2. Conventional Wisdom is not Tested: Although Not All Theories Are Correct, Many Beliefs Have Been disproven.

For example:

  • Time is money. Every minute of your life is measured by how much money you make. Wasting time is equal to squandering money. 

  • Content is King; Connection is secondary.

  • Intelligence is the key to success. 

  • Knowledge is power. 

  • Money can’t buy love or happiness.


3. Conventional Wisdom Prevents You from Dreaming Too Big

Dreams can break your heart. When your expectations are too high, you have a greater chance of failure. Thankfully, some people don't follow this rule. Unfulfilled dreams can make you sad, but that doesn't mean you should give up. Conventional wisdom keeps you grounded. It's that little voice that makes you face reality. When you think for yourself, existence has a whole different meaning. It helps you remember that anything is possible.


4. Conventional Wisdom Clips Your Wings 

Instead of living a beautiful life full of risk and extraordinary adventures, conventional wisdom ties you down to what is expected of you. You are put into a mold, and that is where you will stay.


5. Conventional Wisdom is More Acceptable than Going Against the Grain

Going with the flow is always easier than swimming upstream. Why be controversial when common sense tells you to follow the crowd. After all, the majority of the population can't be wrong, can they?

This podcast is for those of you that want more from life. All of you that need fun and adventure and are ready to take the leap. You are not afraid to get a little dirt on your hands. Get ready to stretch your potential to its fullest.

The goal of this podcast is to educate and inform you so that you can extend your potential. It will be about things people take for granted as being true without question. Just because something is generally accepted as true, does not make it true. You deserve to be happy, and that begins with believing in yourself and living life to the fullest.

Each podcast is designed to engage the audience in a fun and informative way. There is a section where you can get answers to any questions via social media.

Who is hosting the show? Saka Nuru.

Check out the next podcast and join Saka Nuru on the journey to learning how to think for yourself.

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